With many products targeted to treat acne over the
last few years, many dermatologists are finding high
success rates using radiofrequency (RF) microneedling
devices, specifically Fractora. This new technology has
shown a great improvement not only on patients’ acne,
but additionally acne scarring, axillary hyperhidrosis,
neck tightening, stretch marks and treatment of the
vertical lines women can develop on their chest area. A
unique feature to Fractora is that the technology
allows users of the 24-pin needles to choose between
regular tips and tips with silicone coating to protect
the epidermis and the top layers of the dermis from heat
injury. With Fractora, an additional benefit is all skin
types can be treated, up to the darkest type VI skin
without risk of pigmentation changes. With such
technology, acne scarring is improved up to 75-80% in
patients with downtime as low as 24 hours over the
course of one treatment.